Original Names for Sunset Lane, Bensalem, PA
Original Names for Sunset Lane, Bensalem, PA

Sunset Lane is in the part of Bensalem that is called Cornwells Heights. It runs from Bristol Pike, west passed a T-intersection with Meadow Lane, down to a big curve, and ends at Hulmeville Road. It originally had three names because it was developed in pieces by various people. From Bristol Pike to Meadow Lane was called Sunset Avenue (not Lane), and then it was New Street down to the curve, and Allan's (sp?) Lane to Hulmeville Road. About fifty or so years ago the township asked the residents to vote on one name, and Sunset Lane won.

Publication date Jun 24, 2018
Neighborhood Cornwells Heights
Property ID: 185
Updated on: Apr 17, 2019

Sunset Lane is in the part of Bensalem that is called Cornwells Heights. It runs from Bristol Pike, west passed a T-intersection with Meadow Lane, down to a big curve, and ends at Hulmeville Road. It originally had three names because it was developed in pieces by various people. From Bristol Pike to Meadow Lane was called Sunset Avenue (not Lane), and then it was New Street down to the curve, and Allan's (sp?) Lane to Hulmeville Road. About fifty or so years ago the township asked the residents to vote on one name, and Sunset Lane won.


Sunset Lane , Sunset Lane, Bensalem, Pennsylvania, 19020, United States
Cornwells Heights, .
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