Charles Bukowski lived here (in his Philly days).
Bukowski, Charles Homes, Lives or Lived Here Literature
Charles Bukowski lived here (in his Philly days).

Author/bartender Kerry Gibbs tried to get the City of Philadelphia to put up an historic plaque on the site where author/poet Charles Bukowski had lived, to no avail. The movie Barfly is about Bukowski's time living here. The address is stated as 602 instead of 603 in some places on the Web. I hope someone can clear this up by commenting below.

Publication date Jun 24, 2018
Property ID: 1067
Updated on: Sep 12, 2019

Author/bartender Kerry Gibbs tried to get the City of Philadelphia to put up an historic plaque on the site where author/poet Charles Bukowski had lived, to no avail. The movie Barfly is about Bukowski's time living here. The address is stated as 602 instead of 603 in some places on the Web. I hope someone can clear this up by commenting below.


Former Rooming House , 603 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19130, United States
, .
Listing Category:
Bukowski, Charles Homes, Lives or Lived Here Literature
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